“Be Creative!” , “We need innovation!”, “Think outside of the box!”.
Does this sound familiar? What exactly do we mean by "the box," and how can we think outside of it? The "box" is a metaphor for the invisible boundaries our thinking creates to help us understand the world, keep us safe, and achieve success. However, in times characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), our traditional ways of thinking may no longer lead to continued success. Our ever-changing environment requires us to think outside the box to develop new action plans that enable us to adapt and reach new levels of achievement.
We take the phrase "Think outside the box" literally, aiming to challenge the status quo and quickly implement breakthrough changes, regardless of their scope or scale.
The Box program can be tailored to meet your specific business needs, such as ideating new products, updating company processes, and innovating sales strategies.
The B❒X® Difference
No Workbooks Required
Everything needed for an unforgettable workshop is designed into The B❒X which becomes an artifact that supports change long after the program finishes.
Scalable from 1 to 1,000
Imagine using the same tool one day for executive coaching, and the next day for a conference of of over 300 people. The B❒X is your new go-to for breaking out of unconscious barriers and enabling results of any scope and scale!
Participant Directed Change
One size does not fit all… The B❒X process is not prescriptive in nature. No one is told what to think, or how to change. Instead, participants are led through a process of self-exploration of their thinking, and then create their own model for that new thinking that enables new possibilities and results.
The B❒X Speaks Any Language
No workbook or materials to translate as The B❒X is language free. Instead, of words, we use BOXY, a gender and culture neutral character, to bring the concepts to life. Slides, while provided, are optional with many facilitators opting to use the physical B❒X as the only delivery tool.
Virtual and Hybrid Ready
The B❒X creates a shared experience driven by a unique and meaningful physical artifact that deepens discussions and insights regardless of geolocation. It is easier to send a B❒X to a person than it is to send a person to a training room.
And (dare we say it) FUN!
The B❒X uses a research based multi-sensory approach to activate both mind and body to generate new possibilities and create new habits that lead to improved results.