Leadership Simulation
Wallbreakers® empowers your change journey by allowing you to practice decision-making, test assumptions, and see the real-time impact of your strategies.
With Wallbreakers®, participants sharpen their change leadership skills and engage in reflective discussions about their approaches, all within a risk-free and dynamic learning environment.
Drive lasting transformation
Every single day, organisations embark on change journeys. Some are looking to optimise internal processes, some are developing their competitive edge, while others just want to survive.
Still, most change projects fail. We would like to change that, so we designed Wallbreakers® – A leadership simulation that trains implementation and anchoring of organisational change.
People drive change, so you better get them on the bus
Most people react with resistance when facing change, and this makes change leadership crucial. Wallbreakers® will train your people skills and let you explore the connection between your leadership style and employee attitudes towards change.
Are people moving with you or are they getting off the bus, and why? As in real life, the simulation will have you revise your strategy on the go as you try to turn resistance into acceptance and change readiness.
Get it right the first time
You start a change process with the hope and ambition to transform your organisation for the better. A lot is at stake, and we would like to make the trouble worth your time.
Wallbreakers® is a safe training ground to practice decision making, test assumptions, and see the impact of your plan unfold. In real life, valuable lessons can come at a high price, but Wallbreakers® prepares you for real life dilemmas in a risk-free setting. With this practice, you can get it right when it really counts.
Virtual Wallbreakers ®
Wallbreakers® can be facilitated virtually through meeting software like Zoom or MS Teams. Participants work in smaller groups in breakout rooms and make choices in the game in a web application on the platform Gaminar.net.