
This 4-day program equips trainers (who are advanced inNLP's core skills) with the ability to create powerful changeand breakthroughs for those who are important to them. Theprogram focuses heavily on practice over theory, with moretime spent on experiencing and delivering the techniques.

Day One

What is NLP?

•  The NLP Presuppositions -  Beliefs that Effective NLP  Masters Hold.

•  Making NLP Work in the Real  World.

•  Calibration - The Art of Reading  People.

•  Submodalities - Breaking Down  our Inner World to Increase  Control.

Day Two

•  Meta-Programs - Understanding our  Unconscious Tendencies and How to  Work with Others.

•  The Circle of Excellence & The Fist of  Zen.

•  The Meta-Model - Breaking the  Concrete Around our Problems.  

•  Sleight of Mouth - Strategies of  Extreme Flexibility.  

•  Board Breaking

Day Three

•  Eliciting Values - Free Form.

•  The Milton Model - Accessing the  Unconscious Mind.

•  Time-Line Therapy Part 1 -  Traveling along the Time-Line &  Releasing Trapped Emotions.

Day Four

•  Time-Line Therapy Part 2 - Using  the Timeline to Overcome  Trauma.

•  Combining all your Skills - The  NLP Dojo - Free Form Practice  Session.

