You can see our activities below.
CM Demo Flyer - Think in & Out of the Box - Alex - Beijing - June 23.pdf
时间:2pm – 5pm (CST)
讲师:Alex Weber
▪ Help every participant get in touch with their inner creativity 提高每个参与者成为更有创意的创新者的能力, 无论其在组织中的 角色或级别如何。
▪ Resolve real problems from your business by learning to think “out of the box, and, much more importantly, “back into a better box” 通过学习如何 “跳出盒子思考”, 更重要的是 “重新思考一个更好 的盒子”, 培养参与 者挑战现状、鼓励冒险的能力。
▪ Better understand yourself and your thinking, and better make pro-active choices around your limits, your brain, and your creativity. Unleash your potential 提高自我意识, 提高自身的创造力和创新优势以及发展领域。
▪ Learn powerful tools and models for ideation and innovation and apply them to real challenges 学习工具和模型, 这些工具和模型将通过迭代操作和以客户为中心 的思维来提高其改进结果的能力。